Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Final Presentation
Below is our groups final presentation. I used prezi to pull all the images together into a presentation and we all presented this.
The presentation went really well and we received some really good feedback. The physical model helped alot with describing the building. However apparently our 3D drawings felt a bit cold and our sections need slightly more detail. It was alos suggested that in future instead of skimming over the tectonic details of how it all works, we give it slightly more thought and incorporate this into the design and presentation.Overall however the feedback was good and we all thought about how to improve our designs in future.
This presentation has further taught me how to approach group work as well as further developing my revit and photoshopping skills. Working within a group meant that ideas and program knowledge was shared around, thus allowing everyone to further develope their skills. I also learnt how to tactfully make sure that everyone has a say in the group and learnt that with group work you can't always do things exactly as you want to but sometimes have to compromise, and that this doesn't necessarily damage your assignment, instead it furthers it and enables new ideas to be used in the design.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Panel for Presentation
This panel was pulled together using all of our drawings originally by Joel but then he met up with us so that we could help him and have imput. We used photoshop in order to pull this together as we all have knowledge with this program and find it easy to use. I feel that it successfully summarises our project.
Monday, June 11, 2012
These are the sections which Mariana did up from Joel's elevation which he did in autoCAD.
This is a North section of the building with two seperate performances going on while the building is still together.

Below is a section showing the general performance space becoming seating for an aerial silks performance.

Below is a section showing two performances occuring at the same time, with the building apart and open. In this image it can be seen how a new space is created when the spaces are apart.
Below is a West section looking into the general performance space.
This is a North section of the building with two seperate performances going on while the building is still together.

Below is a section showing the general performance space becoming seating for an aerial silks performance.

Below is a section showing two performances occuring at the same time, with the building apart and open. In this image it can be seen how a new space is created when the spaces are apart.
Below is a West section looking into the general performance space.
Trying to Render Up the 3D Images
I started trying to render up the 3D images that I took off of my revit model into photoshop. I got Mariana to help me with some of the photoshopping tools in order to create these images to help them look more finished. Below are some pictures of it.
This image looks straight through from the entrance, through the foyer and cafe to the river.
Below is an image showing the building from the North West corner.
Below is an external image from the South West corner.
Below is an internal image looking down into the cafe and foyer space. Mariana rendered this image and I helped to complete it as we had issue with making it look right and tying in with the other 3D images.
This image looks straight through from the entrance, through the foyer and cafe to the river.
Below is an image showing the building from the North West corner.
Below is an external image from the South West corner.
Rendering Elevations and Creating Revit Model
Joel did up some basic elevations and sections in autoCAD and mariana rendered them and I helped her, while I did up a revit model to help us with our 3D internal views and exterior views with help from mariana.
Below are the rendered elevations and sections:
East Elevation
West Eleavation
South Elevation
Below are some shots of my revit model coming together:
Below is the building in the site:
Below is looking out to the river, from the cafe, I plan on photoshopping textures and an image of the brisbane river into this image:
Below are the rendered elevations and sections:
East Elevation
West Eleavation
South Elevation
North Elevation
Below are some shots of my revit model coming together:
Below is the building in the site:
Below is a closeup of the building:
Below is looking into the building from the river:
Below is looking into the building from the cliff side:
Below is a site plan:
Below is a level 1 floor plan:
Below is a level 2 floor plan:
Below is a north section:
Below is an East Section:
Below is an interior cafe view:
Below is an interior foyer shot:
Below is looking down into the cafe from the river side:
Below is looking out to the river, from the cafe, I plan on photoshopping textures and an image of the brisbane river into this image:
Below is the general performance space and as yet it is unfinished:
Below is the North West corner of the building:
Below is the South West corner of the building:
Site Plan and Site Analysis
Mariana and I worked together to create the site plan and site analysis using photos and editing these in photoshop in order to show an analysis of the site, and site plan which also shows some materiality of our building placed in the site. We used the site plan below as inspiration:

Site Plans. Google Images. Accessed 9th June, 2012. Retrieved from
Below is our site plan and site analysis:
Site Analysis, showing heritage listed buildings and areas, existing boardwalk, pathway, cliff base, bunkers and the areas directly around our site.
Below is our site plan.

Site Plans. Google Images. Accessed 9th June, 2012. Retrieved from
Below is our site plan and site analysis:
Site Analysis, showing heritage listed buildings and areas, existing boardwalk, pathway, cliff base, bunkers and the areas directly around our site.
Model Making
Mariana and I took on the big task of constructing a physical model together. For this we constructed a landscape out of paper mache before constructing two intricate models demonstrating the building in both the open and closed positions. We used card and balsa wood for these two models in order to give an idea of materiality.
Below are some pictures of mariana and I working on the paper mache landscape base of the model.
Below is an image of the model coming together it shows the landscape
Below are a couple of images of our finished model, some have been edited, while others we are currently working on:
Below are some pictures of mariana and I working on the paper mache landscape base of the model.
Below is an image of the model coming together it shows the landscape
Below are a couple of images of our finished model, some have been edited, while others we are currently working on:
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Detailed Section Inspiration
I found this picture online and posted it to the group facebook page as I feel that we should do a similar detailed section like this as it is clean,easy to read and expressive of the spaces.

Architectural Sections. Google Images. Accessed on 6th June, 2012. Retrieved from,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=HGfXT8eRNKW0iQfB_O2xAw#um=1&hl=en&rlz=1C2GGGE_enAU430AU456&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=52fXT8TZN8WZiAe8ooyDAw&ved=0CAYQvwUoAQ&q=architectural+sections&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=2bef14bfe98dfc78&biw=1366&bih=610

Architectural Sections. Google Images. Accessed on 6th June, 2012. Retrieved from,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=HGfXT8eRNKW0iQfB_O2xAw#um=1&hl=en&rlz=1C2GGGE_enAU430AU456&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=52fXT8TZN8WZiAe8ooyDAw&ved=0CAYQvwUoAQ&q=architectural+sections&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=2bef14bfe98dfc78&biw=1366&bih=610
Inserting the Folie Into the Site
Below is an image showing where our six sections cut through the site.
Because I was doing the 6 little sections I situated the building so that I knew where to cut through it. It is situated approx 12m from the start of the boardwalk. Below are some pictures of how I placed it.
Because I was doing the 6 little sections I situated the building so that I knew where to cut through it. It is situated approx 12m from the start of the boardwalk. Below are some pictures of how I placed it.
Mariana then did one section through the building while I did the other. We worked off a basic CAD section of the site that Joel gave us.
On the top picture, the top section is right, while on the bottom picture, the bottom section is right. From these I had an idea as to how to photoshop these sections. I thought of photoshoping textures into the drawing. I did three sections like this and Mariana did three in the same style. These are the three I rendered in this style. I feel that this style worked and I am glad that I suggested it.
Section Line 2
Section Line 3
Section Line 6
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