Monday, March 12, 2012

Reading 2: An Urban Park for the 21st Century

This reading is once again about Tschumi's design for La Villette. In this reading he talks about the shift in how people view parks in the 20th century. He discusses how in the 20th century they became seen as an important city component. He discusses how the park aimed to not fit into any park stereotypes, rather create its own style. They also tried to fit the park around the pre-existing historic buildings, and the folies use building elements to tie the park in with the pre-existing buildings.

I also found it interesting to discover that the promenade was designed based on a film strip with the viewers following a repetitive sequence as they progress along it.

From this reading I have gained a better understanding on how Tschumi designed his folies. I really like how such a simple concept can have such a strong impact. By simply rearranging the same geometrical shapes in a whole range of ways, a feeling of repetition and unity was created despite the varying shapes and uses of the folies.

Tschumi, B. 1987. Cinegram Folie: Le Parc De La Villette, Princeton, N.J: Princeton Architctural Press. pp1-27.

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