While researching I have come across a range of images through google images which serve as inspiration and give me and idea of where I'm headed with my ideas.

Fig 3
Fig 5
Fig 7
Fig 9
Fig 11
Fig 12

Fig 13

While researching I came to the conclusion that sculptures that play strongly with texture and light seem to be alot more interesting to me, hence I will try and incorporate these design elements into my folie design. Fig 11 struck out to me as a good sculpture for the Howard Smith Wharves area as there are alot of cyclists, however my folie must be educational and therefore must be quite different to this sculpture. Research into Fig 3 allowed me to discover Tara Donovan created this sculpture and that her work was made completely of styrofoam cups, straws and fishing wire, while research into Fig 6 brought about the discovery that it is made of straws. From this I have come to the conclusion that I will have to research into all sorts of materials to create the required effect. Fig 7 gave me an idea as it looked like wires in a criss cross pattern, and I am currently considering something with light incorporated so that people can interact and use the space during the night and as well as that the lights could be used to create words informing users which are sensed within the space of some of the Howard Smith Wharves history.
Google Images. 'architectural installations'. Accessed 2nd March,2012. http://www.google.com.au/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=653&q=architectural+installations&gbv=2&oq=arc
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