I visited the site during the day and during the night to get a good understanding of the site. I also needed to visit at night as I am tending towards creating a folie which does something with lights. However, this could change depending on what my group wants to do. Also when I went at night it was also raining and a small 'waterfall' was cascading down the side of the cliffs,and I was thinking about using something such as water over the edge of the cliffs in my later designs in the Howard Smith Wharves area. Below are some of my pictures of the site.
These are my pictures of the site at night.
As can be seen it was hard to get any good pictures of the site at night, but the storey bridge stands out with all of its lights. This draws attention to the fact that to make the site more user friendly there needs to be an increase in the amount of lighting within the space, also the storey bridge could become another focal point within the space, due to it standing out so much. The following are some of my daytime pictures.

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