Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Final Presentation

Below is our groups final presentation. I used prezi to pull all the images together into a presentation and we all presented this. The presentation went really well and we received some really good feedback. The physical model helped alot with describing the building. However apparently our 3D drawings felt a bit cold and our sections need slightly more detail. It was alos suggested that in future instead of skimming over the tectonic details of how it all works, we give it slightly more thought and incorporate this into the design and presentation.Overall however the feedback was good and we all thought about how to improve our designs in future. This presentation has further taught me how to approach group work as well as further developing my revit and photoshopping skills. Working within a group meant that ideas and program knowledge was shared around, thus allowing everyone to further develope their skills. I also learnt how to tactfully make sure that everyone has a say in the group and learnt that with group work you can't always do things exactly as you want to but sometimes have to compromise, and that this doesn't necessarily damage your assignment, instead it furthers it and enables new ideas to be used in the design.

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